I started with the intention of posting a top-five listicle as the last post of 2024.
But as I reflected on the experiences of the year and the circumstances that influenced my writing, one thing became clear: Five posts would be insufficient to cover the critical nuggets I’ve learned.
So, my picks for the most insightful posts of the year are below. They are based less on vanity metrics (e.g. likes and reposts) and more on their impact. Over the last 11 months, I’ve gleaned more knowledge from my work and interactions with professionals, executives, and leaders.
The posts below were relevant in 2024. But they’ll remain helpful in sharpening your communication skills in 2025. Trust me on this.
1) 5 Reasons You Should Speak Your Way To Incredible Opportunities
Ah, yes, public speaking. It always filled you with dread. It still does, by the way. Unfortunately, you can’t avoid it indefinitely.
As a self-professed introvert and keynote speaker, I provide five compelling reasons to speak more often in this article.
I also share practical tips on improving your speaking chops — making this post the perfect way to begin 2024.
Date: 31 January 2024.
2) Three Non-Negotiable Points To Address When Writing To Clinch An MBA Scholarship
You’re applying for an MBA scholarship, and you’ve been told to write a ‘personal statement’ or similar piece to support your application.
Now, swap ‘MBA scholarship’ for any scholarship category, and the dilemma remains.
This post highlights the three non-negotiable points to tackle so you heighten your persuasiveness and curry favour with the decision-makers.
Date: 27 February 2024.
3) Four Evergreen Presentation Practices To Make You A Master
Presentation ‘hacks’, techniques, and solutions abound online. But how can you shift through the noise to get results?
In this detailed post, as an international award-winning communications trainer, I share four evergreen presentation practices that will make you a master of the game, two of which are underrated.
Date: 31 May 2024.
4) Communicating During Grief: Two Critical Lessons To Reduce Friction
June was a tough month for me. I lost a younger brother unexpectedly. Once again, grief knocked on the door and came to stay a while. So, to help process emotions, I wrote about navigating the difficult period with tact and grace.

If you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, how do you communicate with others to dispel friction, forge collaboration, and ensure the smooth execution of funeral programmes?
In this reflective article, I offer two communication lessons to consider. Share this article with all grieving so they know they’re not alone.
Date: 29 June 2024.
5) How To Nail The First Impressions For Your Speeches And Presentations
You already know that first impressions matter. But how can you ensure you hook your audience and win them over throughout your speech or presentation?
Learn two simple, critical tips you need to adopt.
Save this no-nonsense article and consult it before any high-stakes speech or presentation.
Date: 31 July 2024.
6) How To Power Your Q&A Segment To Sway Your Audience
Like most people, you dread the Q&A segment. What if you don’t know the answers? How do you deal with hostile questioners? How can you impress your audience?
For the first time, I unveil two categories of hostile questioners: Type A and Type B. I also provide practical tactics for handling them tactfully but firmly — while boosting your credibility and cementing your status as a confident, trusted presenter.
Plus, you get to learn three ways to power your Q&A so that no one forgets you in a hurry.
This is an eye-opener of an article. Share it widely.
Date: 30 August 2024.
7) How To Win Virtual Business Presentation Competitions – A Judge’s Recommendations
What do judges look out for in virtual business presentations?
As a communications coach at a Financial Times-ranked business school and judge of MBA keynote competitions, I list three powerful recommendations to adopt in this article. Use them in speaking competitions and whenever you need to deliver exceptional virtual presentations.
Date: 31 October 2024.
8) MBAs At Career Fairs: Get Selected With Two Simple Communication Tactics
You’re an MBA student attending a career fair where you need to impress recruiters
from top companies. You’ve got the business knowledge and technical skills — but so do all the other MBAs.
What should you do to differentiate yourself? As the communication coach at a top-50 business school globally, I list two simple communication tactics that will get you selected.
Date: 30 November 2024.

In 2024, you either achieved your goal of improving your communication skills or stopped your journey due to fear, procrastination or other (un)avoidable constraints.
When seeking to communicate at your peak, it doesn’t matter when you start. But you must stay the course and test what you learn to know what works and doesn’t.
So, be encouraged by the advice given in this blog’s top eight posts of 2024. And know that you can amplify your influence in 2025 by elevating your communication skills.
A good starting point is to subscribe to this multi-ward-winning blog if you haven’t done so and apply its practical recommendations to sharpen your communication axe. Then contact me for your communication coaching and training needs.
To your success in 2025!
Over to you:
Do you need help boosting your communication skills to get results? Sign up for my transformational speaking, coaching, and training programmes.
N.B: First image is courtesy of Mbrhan via Canva. Second image is courtesy of NoName_13 via Pixabay. Last image is courtesy of Lucille Ossai.