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Six Years Of Blogging Via A Treasure Trove Of Insightful Articles

As I approached the sixth year of my blogging journey, several things happened in quick succession.

First, more consulting opportunities came along; I was approached by a reputable organisation for an interesting assignment. I was both excited and apprehensive but challenged myself to provide exceptional service, given the caliber of the client. The astounding feedback received after the session delighted, but also humbled me. I realised I would need to continue to strive for excellence to surpass expectations. That plan is still work in progress.

Second, two awards were given to this blog by two completely different, but important organisations. I was unaware that many readers across the globe appreciated my articles, given that only a few comments are regularly posted. Nevertheless, because the criteria used for selection of the awards were objective and based on the quality of posts, Google reputation and social media influence, I was elated.

Third, I made my first media appearance. I was contacted by a host of the official radio station of the Lagos State Government, and invited to give a 30-minute discussion on how effective business writing leads to more opportunities. Then there were the seminars, pro bono programmes and other activities that I was invited to participate in, mostly because of my body of work as a communications blogger. So blogging continues to stretch me professionally. It has not only made me a better communicator, but has also exposed me to opportunities whereby I could share my knowledge to make a real difference in society.
And that’s why I continue to cherish the journey.

Therefore, in keeping with our tradition, as this blog clocks six this month, it’s my pleasure to share quotes from the articles posted during the period under review. You’d find that many posts are didactic. They would also provide value to inspire you to achieve your goals.

Without further ado, below are the quotes:

1) “People will thank us when our addresses are short but sweet; they will support us when our reports are brief but comprehensive; and they would act swiftly when our emails include one-liners that hit the spot”.


Conciseness – How Effective A Communicator Are You?


April 2017.



Being concise in your communications gets quicker results. Learn how to master this skill for greater effectiveness in your career.

2) “There has to be some spark, some moment in your long (or short) professional life, whereby you felt truly fulfilled because your efforts lead to results that made everything you had endured up until that point worth it.


Discussion Forum  #5 – What Has Been Your Proudest Career Moment?
May 2017.
Despite the stress, disappointments, and failures, there is one moment in your professional journey that made everything worth it. In this discussion forum, you’re given full rein to share your proudest career moment and to highlight the lessons learned.
3) “The allure of value is undeniable in all communication, particularly in business writing. Therefore, explicitly state the benefit you would provide to your recipient for the response you seek.


How To Write The Most Compelling Content Of Your Career.
June 2017.

At 2,200+ words, this article provides valuable advice on how to write compelling emails and formal letters. Whether you need to write an important email, report or formal letter, the tips given will eliminate the dread faced when you’re required to compose the most important content of your career. Share widely.

4) “We did not suddenly lose vital brain cells when we became mothers”


An Open Letter To Management – From Working Mothers.

July 2017.


Working mothers, hitherto silent about their career concerns, finally bare all in this candid letter to management. Members of the Big Boys’ Club, ignorant HR executives or other professionals – learn what makes these professional women tick for a more productive workplace.

5) “When considered alongside with passion, perseverance produces grit, and grit is a predictor of success”.


Perseverance – The Invaluable Tool For Successful Careers.


August 2017.


Perseverance forms character and leads to lasting results. For success in your career, find out why you should prioritise this admirable quality and develop grit, as advised by Angela Lee Duckworth, whose TED talk is included in this article.
Also be inspired by the personal account of the author’s eight-year journey to landing a dream job.

6) “…Being able to dispassionately address a volatile situation to try to find common ground is important when dealing with conflict”.


How To Deal With A Maddening Professional.

September 2017.


Sooner or later, you’d be required to handle opposition from a galling individual. Arm yourself with these two practical tips to preserve your credibility.

7) “Once you know the rules, there’s no one on this planet you wouldn’t be able to write to.

Your Business Writing Skills – Where Do You Stand?
October 2017.

A declaration is necessary here: This is the only article that you’d need to read this year about improving your business writing. It covers all the bases.
In this post, the author gives away useful nuggets that are often only revealed in paid seminars or training sessions. This post thus provides undisputed value.

8) “Aim to boost clarity in your business communications, and you would soon be known as a professional who consistently delivers results”.

The Case For Clarity In Business Communication.

Clarity is sometimes the unappreciated sibling of simplicity and brevity. This post thus makes a compelling case for the importance of clarity in both oral and written communication. Learn how to strive for clarity in your business communication and get concrete results.

9) “I bided my time and believed that my discipline in posting high quality posts would pay off”.

Adieu 2017…

December 2017.



The editor of the Rethinking Business Communications Blog highlighted the blog’s award for being one of the top 30 communication blogs on the web in 2017. She also recommended three articles that every professional should read for success.

10) “Simple doesn’t mean simplistic.

Mastering Simplicity In Business Communication For Speedier Results.

January 2018.

Simplicity in your business communications paves the way for speedier results. Learn why you must simplify your messaging, and use the practical tips provided to fulfill your communication goals.

11) “What will get you through those hallowed corridors of reputable organisations is one indisputable fact: The value you bring”.

Dear Nigerian Jobseeker: It’s A Jungle Out There But…

February 2018.


As a (fresh) Nigerian graduate, you could increase your chances of landing a good job. Learn practical tips on how to make you desirable to reputable organisations. And it’s not always about your qualifications. Not just for Nigerian graduates, the timeless advice given in this article will resonate with all.


And that concludes the review of this blog in its sixth year of existence.

Which is your favourite article in the list and why?

I would love to hear any accounts of how advice provided in the posts above lead to results, so kindly give feedback.

As I continue to expand my knowledge and grow as a blogger, I hope you’d join me in exploring the interesting ways that communication influences management, careers and professional feats.

Thank you all for reading this blog, for sharing articles and for the display of support. I believe in great things for this blog, so continue to watch this space!

See you soon!
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N.B First image is courtesy of Stuart Miles, at Second image is courtesy of Ddpavumba, at Third and fourth images are courtesy of Iosphere, at Fifth image is courtesy of KROMKRATHOG, at Last image is courtesy of Naypong, at
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