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Discussion Forum #1 – Communications At The Workplace

I am starting a new trend.

Before I explain further I would like to thank you all, dear readers, for reading my (sometimes really long) posts since I began blogging in March 2012. In a world somewhat obsessed with entertainment news, technological advances and politics, it is refreshing to see that that such a “serious” business communications blog like this one, has recorded views from virtually all parts of the globe. So thank you very much indeed for your patronage!

Now to the business at hand…

As mentioned in this post about plans for 2013, I think it would be a good idea to begin a culture of dialogue on this blog by having discussion forums on certain themes to foster the exchange of ideas; kind of like a ‘network’ forum if you will. Think of LinkedIn groups and you’d be right on target.

Guidelines for discussion forums

1)  The discussion forums would be time-limited and would be opened for one month only from the date of posting. During that specified period, no other blog posts would be written. This would eliminate conflicting or confusing analyses from other topics.

2)  Only comments related to the topic would be approved and posted. Although there would be no word limit, for ease of networking, comments should kindly be kept brief.

3) Contributors would be required to use professional language. Therefore, those using inappropriate language would have their comments rejected. Similarly, comments written as  personal attacks would be immediately discarded. We need to keep the forum professional and clean for the benefit of all.

4) Contributors should kindly edit their comments for length or for grammatical clarity before sending for approval.

5) Comments which have been approved would be published within 24-48 hours.

If the response rate is encouraging from this first discussion and if there is an indicated interest for regular discussions on the blog, I would gladly incorporate suggested discussion topics in the nearest future at specific periods…

This is an experimental effort so please be patient with me while I explore this opportunity.

I believe that you, valued readers from across the globe, are seasoned professionals in your varied capacities and would not only produce valuable insights, but would also make suggestions which would benefit everyone who takes out the time to read this blog. One should always strive for knowledge.

My last article in December 2012, listed six tips about what NOT to do at the workplace regarding communications. Given that it is a very important theme in this blog and being a self-proclaimed communications advocate, I believe it would be a good place to start.

So here we go…

Discussion Forum  #1:  20 January 2013 – 17 February 2013  at  00.00  Western African Time

Please share your stories – good or bad – about communications at the workplace. Did a top executive handle the media frenzy with enviable tact during a crisis? Was there an email or a memo which wrecked havoc in your company? We want to hear about them all!

What did you learn from those experiences?

What suggestions would you gladly make to Management if you were given the opportunity to air your views without fear or repercussions?


 Images are courtesy of

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