I started a discussion in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) group on LinkedIn about two months ago on organisational effectiveness. (LinkedIn is quickly becoming my preferred social media platform for the exchange of ideas, for gaining insights from diverse groups of professionals and for imparting knowledge).

I was surprised to learn that organisational effectiveness, the second theme about which this blog seeks to explore, is a very significant topic for a lot of professionals. These specialists spanned different sectors and worked in different organisations such as large profitable companies, non-profit organisations, small businesses etc. Most, despite busy schedules, were very enthusiastic about the topic and someone actually commented that the discussion was becoming addictive!

Even more interesting was the fact that Chevron Nigeria Ltd. a subsidiary of the U.S oil giant, Chevron Corporation, launched its ‘2012 Diversity Week’, which featured ‘Organisational Effectiveness in Diversity’,  as well as three other pillars for analysis (‘Culinary in Diversity’, ‘Safety in Diversity’, and ‘Culture in Diversity’) during the week 3rd-7th September. Now given that I am not employed by the company, I unfortunately was not opportune to attend any of its programmes. However, I thought it was very ‘relevant’ that the oil major incorporated such a crucial theme in its diversity initiative. This just illustrates the far-reaching impact organisational effectiveness has on the business strategy of any organisation.

Before delving further, it  is  necessary  to define just what it is. In my opinion, organisational effectiveness, (OE), is the desired state whereby resources, (humans, technology, assets, knowledge/expertise etc.), are aligned with the culture, objectives and goals of the organisation, to produce favourable outcomes and wellness across the organisation.

Now I realise that my definition might appear vague but there is a rationale for this. OE is relevant to all organisations but might vary from one organisation to another, even within the same sector. This is because what an organisation may deem necessary to measure as an indicator of ‘effectiveness’ may be different from its competitors. 

For example, an innovative ‘green’ company may place more emphasis on reducing its carbon footprint and may measure its ‘effectiveness’ on how well it has achieved the goal of becoming 30% greener at the end of X period by switching to relevant technology. 

By contrast, one of its competitors may measure its ‘effectiveness’ by the number of its energy-saving appliances it sold worldwide, which indirectly reduced unhealthy emissions, at the end of the same period. 

Yet  another  organisation, a non-profit entity, may consider its ‘effectiveness’ yardstick to be based on how successfully/quickly it was able to garner funds to provide free healthcare for families who were rendered homeless as a result of a devastating natural disaster.

So in a nutshell, OE is relative.

Difference between ‘efficiency’ and ‘effectiveness’

At this point, it is necessary to clarify the difference between ‘efficiency’ and ‘effectiveness’, given that the two terms are often used interchangeably.

‘Efficiency’ involves generating superior outputs/outcomes with the available resources. With efficiency, markers are easy – either employees achieve X% increase in production or not, by using whatever resources available. So in an environment where every employee is efficient and the focus is on the number of superior widgets they produce for example, what you get is an army of robots and over-achievers; a development which is actually detrimental to the organisation in the long run as each employee seeks success for his own glory.

When you talk about ‘effectiveness’ however, you consider the total package, (not just the superior outputs/outcomes) – people, processes, systems, aspirations, culture, vision, good leadership, engagement, goals, objectives etc. All these facets should work together to produce a continuous stream which optimises business performance.

The late Peter F. Drucker, (1909-2005), according to various sources, was one of the best-known and most influential writers on the subject of management theory and practice. He was considered by many to be the father of modern management and was credited for the widely-famous quote:

“Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things”.

Now I may be no Drucker but in a battle for relevance, as regards to the broader impact it would have on the organisation, I believe that ‘effectiveness’ is a more significant theme to which organisations should aspire.

The importance of organisational effectiveness

OE is a ‘hot’ theme at the moment but I think it is more than a fad.  I think every organisation seeks better effectiveness even though each might term it differently.  It is relevant to:

1) Management and employees inside the organisation

For management, good indicators of OE among other things, ensure healthy profits, smooth and efficient operations, good corporate reputation, effective leadership, (and acceptance thereof), and for those non-profit organisations, achievement of measurable goals.

For the employees, a steady stream of OE increases job satisfaction, heightens levels of perceived organisational support and encourages the ‘emotional attachment’ to the organisation; all which increase motivation levels. Depending on character traits, some employees may be proud of being part of something ‘special’. Many, empowered by the supportive, learning culture and innovative leadership, become enthusiastic cheerleaders for the organisation, thereby fuelling higher levels of OE.

2) External stakeholder groups such as:

A) Customers/clients and suppliers

For the customers/clients – OE plays an important role in customer/client loyalty and retention. Satisfied customers or clients are powerful advocates for the organisation’s products and services. Their free endorsements are ‘dividends’ from the continuous process and are of immeasurable value to the organisation. 

Suppliers also regularly monitor changing patterns in the organisation to ensure that their distribution networks are not adversely affected by payment delays caused by organisational upheavals. Consistently favourable indicators of OE would not only ensure the steady supply of products and services, but would also promote loyalty from the suppliers. Depending on how crisis communications are utilised as part of the OE strategy, suppliers who over the years have enjoyed a good relationship with the organisation, (based on mutual professional respect), might not suspend their services following an organisational crisis. They might actually offer support during the difficult time. However, such a development would not be possible if the organisation is perceived to be ineffective in the running of its operations.

B) Shareholders and investors

Shareholders’ trust is inevitably tied to the reputation and operations of the organisation which, when favourable, translate to higher profits.

Investors are primarily interested in healthy returns on their investments.

OE leads to both but must be consistently and proactively sought

C) Regulatory authorities

Depending on the sector in which the organisation operates, regulatory authorities may not interfere with its operations. However, scandals/crises occasioned by human errors, or linked to negligence and/or unethical practices, are likely to elicit the full wrath of governmental intervention. OE which also covers leadership, communications, processes, (and accountability for them), helps to minimise or even prevent backlash from this group.

D) The media – traditional and ‘new’ media (such as digital and social networks and other online platforms)

We live in an era whereby the media could be a strong ally or a dangerous foe as regards to the image of the organisation.

Traditional media avenues such as print newspaper/magazines, television, (and to some extent), radio channels, have been joined by the digital and social media platforms. 

A writer for Ethical Corporation in  a  post  about  social media, stated that from an activist perspective, the role of social media in galvanising social and corporate change was, (at the very least), apparent. For example, Greenpeace was named to be a notable user of social networks to mock, name and shame companies into a change of policy. This development could mean either twice the positive public ratings or double the woes. A corporate reputation could be ruined very rapidly by social media  during a crisis, especially in developed countries with technological advancements.

In such a scenario, effective communications, geared at damage control or contingency plans, must be placed in high gear. If OE facilitators neglected to conceptualise and integrate this crucial “Crisis-Mode Plan” component in its overall strategy, the organisation might struggle to recover, depending on the scope of the crisis. 

Some never do.

Measurement of Organisational Effectiveness

During my discussion in the HBR group, a lot of emphasis was placed on the measurement of organisational effectiveness. In fact, many professionals tended to define OE by how it could be measured, and according to X variables. Many cited qualitative and quantitative methods. Once again, depending on how ‘effectiveness’ is perceived, different variables could be used. 

Below is a table with some suggestions for measuring OE. The list is in no way exhaustive but may be helpful as a guide  to  formulating  organisation-specific  methods:


Brief Description

Name  of Source

Balanced Scorecard (BSC).

A strategic performance management framework that allows organisations to manage and measure the delivery of their strategy.

Advanced Performance Institute.


Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence.

Provides a systems perspective for understanding performance management. Also used by businesses and non-profit organisations.

National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA).


Organisational Excellence Framework.

Indicators for best practices and performance  measures in seven key areas including – resource management, governance, and leadership – from micro to large organisations.

Organisational Excellence Specialists.


Investors In People (Specialised services).

Framework which specialises in transforming business performance through people.

Investors in People. 100+ case studies featured on website such  as  those  of – BBC, McDonalds, Fujitsu Services etc.

As regards to the measurement of OE, I believe that its markers should be defined by the organisation itself. This move would pave the way for choosing appropriate OE metrics from a wide variety available on the web or recommended by experts in the field.

As I stated in the HBR Group, a learning environment should also help increase OE perceptions. This is because it is quite sensible to use tried and tested formulas which had previously worked in the organisation for ‘similar’ issues. However, if such systems could be flexible and thus upgraded or revised to fit specific scenarios, (as no two challenges would be exactly the same because of the human element), that would help to increase positive indicators of OE.


I am aware that the term ‘organisational effectiveness’ is not new. However, I believe that it should be taken very seriously because it impacts so many facets and links to other constructs and methodology such as Lean, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management etc.

A novel approach which I have advocated elsewhere, is the communications-organisational effectiveness link. This connection is not immediately evident in management circles but could prove very useful with regards to how communications could be used as a strategic tool to drive organisational effectiveness. I could however explore this at a later date…

I am also very honoured that the organisational effectiveness discussion provided so many insights in the HBR Group on LinkedIn  with  453+ comments and  90+  ‘likes’  logged.

So I simply must ask – and please post your comments so that we could continue this dialogue – how seriously are you considering organisational effectiveness?


N.B-  Images courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net. Table format provided by author.

27 Replies to “Organisational Effectiveness: Why It Should Be Taken Very Seriously”

  1. Yes communication is the core of the framework cited above, the seven molecules can not be taken separately, so to work in a significant way coordination must be applied.

    Looking forwar to further reads.

    Keep the communication flowin' !

  2. Yes communication is the core of the framework cited above, the seven molecules can not be taken separately, so to work in a significant way coordination must be applied.

    Looking forwar to further reads.

    Keep the communication flowin' !

  3. No worries Mourad. Glad at least that you found this post relevant.

    As for the communications link – surely you have noticed that the title and main focus of this blog is communications 🙂

    On a more serious note, communications are crucial to business performance, being linked to virtually every facet of the organisation.

    For instance, the '7S' method you mentioned- Strategy, Structure, Systems, Skills, Staff, Style of management and Shared Values – all require effective communications as the seamless link to effective implementation.

    Good luck with your thesis and all the best.

    You might want to join this blog and sign up to become a 'follower' and/or subscribe via email etc. to get automatic updates of new posts.

  4. No worries Mourad. Glad at least that you found this post relevant.

    As for the communications link – surely you have noticed that the title and main focus of this blog is communications 🙂

    On a more serious note, communications are crucial to business performance, being linked to virtually every facet of the organisation.

    For instance, the '7S' method you mentioned- Strategy, Structure, Systems, Skills, Staff, Style of management and Shared Values – all require effective communications as the seamless link to effective implementation.

    Good luck with your thesis and all the best.

    You might want to join this blog and sign up to become a 'follower' and/or subscribe via email etc. to get automatic updates of new posts.

  5. Don't know much about it, but i guess the communication factor appears to be tacit and could be related to both "structure" and "system" variables, the later including internal rules, controls and of course communications.

    I'm trying to implement this framework in a practical case concerning a thesis i'm doing, so wait and see 😉

    And to not avoid your request, i fear that my classmates wouldn't share the same enthusiasm about this topic but i'll give it a try.

  6. Don't know much about it, but i guess the communication factor appears to be tacit and could be related to both "structure" and "system" variables, the later including internal rules, controls and of course communications.

    I'm trying to implement this framework in a practical case concerning a thesis i'm doing, so wait and see 😉

    And to not avoid your request, i fear that my classmates wouldn't share the same enthusiasm about this topic but i'll give it a try.

  7. Thanks Mourad for coming back to answer.

    I find the '7S' method you described very intriguing, especially as the "human element", ("staff' in this case), was included. I would like to add a very crucial piece which is missing: communications.

    It would be interesting to know if this method has been used in practical ways to increase organisational effectiveness.

    Please invite fellow students, researchers or even your professors – all those who would be interested – to join in this discussion. You could kindly send them the link below:


    We could all learn something new 🙂

    By the way your contribution is very much valued and your English is fine, don't worry.

    Come back with friends soon 🙂

  8. Thanks Mourad for coming back to answer.

    I find the '7S' method you described very intriguing, especially as the "human element", ("staff' in this case), was included. I would like to add a very crucial piece which is missing: communications.

    It would be interesting to know if this method has been used in practical ways to increase organisational effectiveness.

    Please invite fellow students, researchers or even your professors – all those who would be interested – to join in this discussion. You could kindly send them the link below:


    We could all learn something new 🙂

    By the way your contribution is very much valued and your English is fine, don't worry.

    Come back with friends soon 🙂

  9. Yes, of course.

    The object of my reflection is to use for exemple the 7S model, wich is a descriptive organisation framework. It is based on seven interdependent variables (Strategy, Structure, Systems, Skills, Staff, Style of management and Shared Values) to asses the
    state of an organisation.

    The pupose of such a measure is to point out "what is the current state" and "what should it be", showing the gaps could be primarly defined as the assessement of effectiveness.

    (Sorry if my English is not that understandable, hope it is)

  10. Yes, of course.

    The object of my reflection is to use for exemple the 7S model, wich is a descriptive organisation framework. It is based on seven interdependent variables (Strategy, Structure, Systems, Skills, Staff, Style of management and Shared Values) to asses the
    state of an organisation.

    The pupose of such a measure is to point out "what is the current state" and "what should it be", showing the gaps could be primarly defined as the assessement of effectiveness.

    (Sorry if my English is not that understandable, hope it is)

  11. Thanks Mourad for your comment.

    Perhaps you would be kind to briefly explain the theories of the researchers you mentioned.

    It would be also be interesting to hear from people who have used practical tools to increase organisational effectiveness…

  12. Thanks Mourad for your comment.

    Perhaps you would be kind to briefly explain the theories of the researchers you mentioned.

    It would be also be interesting to hear from people who have used practical tools to increase organisational effectiveness…

  13. Very interesting read, as a management student i wonder if an organisational diagnosis (with the Weisboard or MckInsey's 7S model) can assesses the effectiveness of an organisation, and from it recommand a redesign.

  14. Very interesting read, as a management student i wonder if an organisational diagnosis (with the Weisboard or MckInsey's 7S model) can assesses the effectiveness of an organisation, and from it recommand a redesign.

  15. As a business owner you should empower your staff to do their best work, you should also provide them the necessary tools and training to enhance their skills, this will be effective for your business.

  16. As a business owner you should empower your staff to do their best work, you should also provide them the necessary tools and training to enhance their skills, this will be effective for your business.

  17. Very thoughtful and well read. Being a so called old timer,26 yrs oil and gas, I see a lot of human interaction in the field. I assume higher up the ladder it's no different. Playing football as a youngster I learned teamwork could work miracles. Basically you write of the things pro athletes work half their young lives to accomplish, starting at the bottom to the top, team players have to be in supervisory,grunt,ceo positions.I have seen inexperienced leaders come in and monkey wrench everything from top to bottom. Communication between top to bottom has to be on a seamless,ego-less, effective platform. I write j.s.a.'s (job safety analysis) all the time on effective communication.

    Keep up the good work you're doing.

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