What do you gain when you write thought-provoking articles every month for 12 years? In this post, Lucille Ossai, the bestselling author of ‘Influence and Thrive’ and editor of the multi-award-winning Rethinking Business Communications Blog, lists the three biggest lessons she’s learned in her writing journey. She also explains what you should do to reap the benefits of writing she’s enjoyed. Share widely.
Managers: Empower Your Teams And Drive Results With These 3 Communication Tactics
As a manager or supervisor, your interpersonal skills can either boost trust in your unit or mar your effectiveness. Note these three critical communication lessons, so you empower your team to achieve organisational goals.
How To Write To Generate Support For A Worthwhile Cause – In Three Steps
What should you do when you need to request a big change from an organisation and then generate support for your goals? Although it might seem daunting, the process is simple. It all boils down to nailing down three steps, and this post shows you how.