This article was revised in January 2024.

Blogging has been good for me.

When I impulsively began this blog one Saturday morning in 2012, I had no idea it would lead to incredible opportunities.

But it wasn’t easy. The writing was demanding, and I knew that I had to continue once I started. For the first three years, I wrote ‘how to’ articles based on my previous work experience and observations of corporateville — what worked in business communications and what didn’t. Then, as my interest grew and my knowledge sharpened, I formulated original ideas and insights.

Initially, I got an excellent readership – spurred on by the support from family and friends. But as the years rolled by, fewer people commented on my posts; still, I persevered. Blogging became both a joy and an obligation. From the day I started, I committed to a wise decision: Blog once a month, every month, for as long as possible. I knew it would be impractical to commit to writing multiple articles a month despite popular wisdom.

So, I continued to write. My writing skills inevitably improved because I committed to reading, improving my grammar, and exposing myself to different styles and tones. I also developed a ‘voice’ and honed it over time.

Here’s what my experience has taught me:

When you write persuasively in an engaging way, people perceive you to be articulate, credible, and someone who would get on well with others. Then, they begin to seek your advice, and eventually, they invite you to events.

If you’re unconvinced that writing is a critical skill that heralds brilliant opportunities for you, then at least learn from my unlikely experience and what I’ve observed in business.

Below are five reasons to take your writing seriously.

1) Writing will help you discover your purpose

As a child, I was a voracious reader. I read widely from fiction to nonfiction, from African stories to Western fairytales. It was my favourite pastime until I got into university. Then I had no time for reading anything outside my course.

Still, reading was vital because it enriched my vocabulary, sharpened my awareness of writing styles, and exposed me to interesting expressions and nuances. So by the time I started this blog many years ago as a stay-at-home mother of two at the time, words flowed like milk. The decades of prior reading were a springboard for my writing journey.

But here’s the thing: I didn’t find my ‘passion’ for business communication until I started blogging about it. Although I’d already developed an interest in the field—which prompted me to write in the first place—the passion came after I’d been blogging for many months.

Writing launched me into the fascinating world of business communication, where I’ve found my purpose and I’m currently thriving.

And I may never have found that calling if I didn’t start writing.

You might not need to switch careers, but honing your writing skills will help you find and clarify your purpose. Writing will open other doors that would complement your career or business. Superb writing skills announce you from afar and make your work more meaningful.

Trust me on this.

2) Writing will land you a great job or clinch a promotion

Interesting data from the US National Association of Colleges and Employers show that a strong writing capability is a crucial attribute that employers seek in graduates’ resumes.

In my experience, exceptional writing skills move you to the interview stage (especially if you include a cover letter, an essay or any required proof of writing ability). It’s also a differentiator when you land the job at any level since you’ll quickly become the go-to person for crafting clear documents.

When ready to rejoin corporateville, I applied to a globally ranked, double-accredited business school in Africa. At the time, I’d been blogging for three years as a stay-at-home mother. During the interview, I referenced my blog as my unique value proposition. Then, with a flourish, I opened a reputable business print newspaper I had brought along where my communication article was published. Based on my experience and qualifications, I knew I wouldn’t be the most desirable candidate. But the communications coach role I applied for required excellent writing, so I knew I had a shot. I got the job — after three years of being unemployed.

You won’t always be the most qualified, and you may not have the advanced degree or the years of experience sometimes (unrealistically) expected in attractive roles. But, if you display exceptional writing skills, your work will speak louder than you ever could; you’ll increase the chance of being selected and, later, promoted.

Moreover, clean, persuasive writing at work increases your visibility and signals you for more responsibilities.

Continue to sharpen your writing chops.

3) Writing will launch your (side) business or support your passion for socio-economic development

I never imagine myself as a business owner. I wasn’t one of those entrepreneurial or ‘ambitious’ people who monetised their knowledge or advertised on their blogs. In fact, my blog was a service to humanity.

It also didn’t even occur to me to teach what I knew or train people on business writing – until the opportunity landed.

And here’s what happened:

I’d been blogging for three years when I got a call from the managing partner of a small consulting company in Lagos, Nigeria. A mutual connection had referred the gentleman to my blog. After reading a few articles, he called me, and we set up a full-day training programme for his team. That was my first training gig, and I remember being on cloud nine after the long day. It was an exhilarating experience. I discovered I loved training and sharing my knowledge to help people.

Then two months after that training session, I landed the job at the prestigious business school I mentioned earlier – where I became steeped in business communications coaching (and later) training.

I began offering coaching/training in business writing as a side hustle. Later,  I expanded my services to include other segments such as nonverbal communication, public speaking, and interpersonal communication.

I explained my journey in an interview with Ubiquity Coaches Canada (where I’m listed as one of the coaches and keynote speakers). I hope it inspires you.

And it began with business writing.

Nonprofits and social work

You may be happy with your job or business and not interested in monetising your knowledge. Nonetheless, you could use your writing skills to support worthy causes.

For example, writing will complement your passion for socio-economic development in society. It will enable you to support worthy causes, such as raising funds for war-ravaged communities, supporting climate change activists, and mentoring people. You could also partner with non-profits or advance other acts of philanthropy.

Use your writing skills to positively impact lives.

4) Writing will lead you to publish a (bestselling) book

This is one of my proudest achievements.

People often asked me when I would write a book, and I would laugh. The monthly blog posts I published were already a commitment I struggled to keep up with. Life just got in the way. I had my part-time job at the business school and my coaching/training side hustle. I couldn’t ‘steal’ the time and mental energy from my already busy life to write a book.

Or so I thought.

But one Saturday evening in 2018, an inner voice compelled me to start. I’m a woman of faith, so I believed that voice was divine prompting. It was so strong that I stopped what I was doing, whipped open an exercise book and penned a rough outline. Then I started writing. At that point, I’d been blogging for six years, so I knew I had ample material. I even knew the exact aspects of communication I would focus on.

The writing process took two years and four months, from the day I wrote the first word to the day the book was released on Amazon.

Influence and Thrive is my debut business book. I poured my knowledge and experiences into that resource.

Seven months after its publication, the book hit two bestselling lists on Amazon despite being published by a small press and not boasting massive visibility or endorsements from business celebrities/millionaires. It climbed to #12 on Amazon Australia for the paperback version in the workplace communication and business writing categories. It also landed at #28 on Amazon Canada for the Kindle version in the business communications category.

At the risk of stating the obvious, I wouldn’t have become a bestselling author if I hadn’t written a book — a helpful book that people read and found valuable.

The encouraging realisation is that writing a book becomes less daunting if you write regularly than if you hardly write outside your work or business commitments.

Don’t talk yourself out of it if you have the itch to write a book. People are in awe of authors because they recognise that writing, finishing, and publishing a book is an incredible feat.

A bonus is that your credibility exponentially increases as a published author, particularly if you write about what you know in your field.

A (bestselling) book is excellent PR and your most effective business card.

5) Writing will boost your brand and generate exciting collaborations

This is a gift that just keeps giving.

Writing well will amplify your credibility as a knowledgeable, trusted professional. For some, excellent writing is a marker of intelligence. Your writing skills will also elevate your brand, earning your thought leadership status and making you influential.

I’ve connected with some fantastic people on LinkedIn and collaborated with experts via my writing.  I’ve appeared on podcasts, teamed up to do videos about some aspects of communications, landed radio stints, and expanded my business network.

I’ve also become a sharper version of my professional self through social media networking, which started with engaging with people via my posts, comments, and contributions.

Even if you’re not a fan of social media, outstanding writing compels people to notice your profile. They’ll then come to appreciate your critical thinking ability, persuasiveness, and clarity, which are characteristics of excellent writing.

Clean, powerful writing originates from clear thinking and is tied to sound judgment. These qualities are attractive when forming international business partnerships or seeking collaborations.

Writing opens doors.


Only some of the five points mentioned above might apply to you. I concede that excellent writing alone will not yield lasting results unless you improve your nonverbal communication, public speaking, and interpersonal skills.

But writing does set you apart from your peers precisely because it takes time to write well consistently. So, it’s a skill you must continually hone to separate yourself from the pack.

That’s why this year, I challenge you to take these three practical steps to improve your business writing skills. By doing so, you’ll amplify your credibility and influence people beyond the confines of your circles.

I’ve been writing for over two decades — since my first job right out of university, where business writing was a core requirement. And I affirm that writing has ushered in seasons of favour for me.

It will work wonders for you, too.

Over to you:

Do you need help in boosting business writing skills to get you results? Sign up here for my free quarterly newsletters and learn best practices. You’ll receive my evergreen resource on giving persuasive presentations when you sign up. Ensure you download that document and refer to it before any high-stakes presentation or speech.

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N.B: First, second and third images are courtesy of Geralt via Pixabay. Video is courtesy of Lucille Ossai’s YouTube channel. Last image is courtesy of Viarami via Pixabay.

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