Well, 2013 is here…finally.

As I look back to last year, I cannot help but to be grateful for the challenges, disappointments and pleasant surprises that came my way. They all made me (hopefully) wiser and ever more mindful about the fragility of life.

And I have a lot to be grateful for – good health, family, friends, as well as for all the priceless experiences that are so often take for granted. I am sure you could name a few yourselves.

I am also very grateful for mustering the courage to begin this blog, which started out with a simple mission – explore the impact of business communications on corporate decision-making and organisational effectiveness; as well as discuss relevant issues relating to workplace dynamics. Writing different articles, drawing upon different experiences and getting inspiration from unlikely sources, have sharpened my mind and broadened my horizons. I would of course endeavour to keep producing high-quality content which is both insightful and relevant in today’s evolving world. I may make mistakes as I continue to improve upon my self-assigned high standards but I hope to continually learn and grow.

2013: What to expect from this blog

1) Discussion Forum

In the spirit of evolving with the times and remaining relevant, I hope to introduce a new trend – discussion forums. Occasionally, I would post a discussion title and encourage comments from viewers. The purpose of these discussions trends would be to create a more interactive forum on this blog. I would act only as a moderator to ensure freedom of speech, (within professional reason of course), as well as to facilitate the exchange of ideas. I hope we could learn from each other and appreciate perspectives different from our own. Details about the first discussion forum would be posted in a couple of weeks.

2) Suggestions

Thus far, I have been working alone. However, I think it would be a good idea for readers of the blog to routinely post suggestions. These could include: ideas to improve the blog, articles they would like to see surrounding communications and information they would like to share. Where feasible, suggestions would be considered and implemented. Kindly bear in mind though that this blog is still a “baby” and it might take time for significant developments to take effect.

3) Polls

Polls which would be time-limited, would be routinely posted. These are important for getting a “pulse” on specific issues. I hope that you all would be kind enough to participate in them.

The list above is somewhat modest but the year is full of possibilities. As 2013 progresses, watch this blog as it evolves, improves and continues to provide the “aha moments” in the field of business communications.

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2013!


N.B – Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net

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