“Now, explain it to me like I’m a four-year-old.”* – Joe Miller, ‘Philadelphia’, 1993 That was the memorable line, declared with a notable flourish, by John Miller, during that courtroom scene in the movie “Philadelphia’, released in 1993. […]
Organisational Effectiveness: Why It Should Be Taken Very Seriously
I started a discussion in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) group on LinkedIn about two months ago on organisational effectiveness. (LinkedIn is quickly becoming my preferred social media platform for the exchange of ideas, for gaining insights from diverse groups […]
Components Of A Communications Strategy – The “When/How Long”
Discussing the implications of effective time management and appropriate timelines for successful outcomes at work.
Components of A Communications Strategy – The “Why”
This post explains the importance of the ‘Why’ component in change programmes.
Components of A Communications Strategy – The “What”
Learn how the first component of the Communications Strategy sets the tone for successful implementation of the organisation’s plans.
The Impact Of Globalisation On The World Stage (Part 2)
This article explores the effect of globalisation across the globe by highlighting the Global Financial Crisis of 2008.