Effective communication is the ‘secret’ weapon you’d need to influence people and thrive in your field. Lucille Ossai reveals the key elements of her new communication blueprint ‘Influence and Thrive’ and provides compelling reasons you should buy the book and do what it says if you want results that stick.
How To Write To Generate Support For A Worthwhile Cause – In Three Steps
What should you do when you need to request a big change from an organisation and then generate support for your goals? Although it might seem daunting, the process is simple. It all boils down to nailing down three steps, and this post shows you how.
The Nine-Year Journey: Communication Insights You Need To Excel
The Rethinking Business Communications Blog has clocked nine! As its founder and editor, Lucille Ossai celebrates its anniversary, she shares quotes from the insightful articles that she wrote in the period being reviewed. Read the articles; expand your knowledge of best practices in business communication; then go influence people and thrive in your field.
How To Write To Capture The Attention Of Influential People
At some point in your career or business, you’d need to write to an influential person whose circles you don’t mingle in. Powerful people are a different breed, but they’re still human. Learn the three steps to follow to increase your chances of capturing their attention and coaxing their support.
How To Wow Your Virtual Audience By Addressing Three Critical Needs
You’ve been told countless times to focus on your audience if you want to make an impact with your communication. And that’s excellent advice. But how do you proceed with a virtual audience? This article lists the three critical needs of your virtual audience, and provides tips you should use to wow them and get amazing ratings.
Three Simple, Profound Lessons From 2020 To Enhance Your Life
2020 has been tough. From the impact of the coronavirus pandemic to the #BlackLivesMatter and #EndSARS movements, loss has been the operative word. Nevertheless, the year has revealed three simple but profound lessons that you should be mindful of as you seek to thrive in 2021.