How To Wow Your Virtual Audience By Addressing Three Critical Needs

You’ve been told countless times to focus on your audience if you want to make an impact with your communication. And that’s excellent advice. But how do you proceed with a virtual audience? This article lists the three critical needs of your virtual audience, and provides tips you should use to wow them and get amazing ratings.

Three Simple, Profound Lessons From 2020 To Enhance Your Life

2020 has been tough. From the impact of the coronavirus pandemic to the #BlackLivesMatter and #EndSARS movements, loss has been the operative word. Nevertheless, the year has revealed three simple but profound lessons that you should be mindful of as you seek to thrive in 2021.

What Nigerians Need To Know About Effective Communication

Nigerian professionals, entrepreneurs, and business leaders need to upgrade their communication skills to inspire action and boost results. As a Nigerian communications trainer, coach, facilitator, and advisor, Lucille Ossai lists the unique communication problems faced in Nigeria and recommends solutions for effectiveness.