Remember when you turned four?

You might vividly remember your fourth birthday or it might be a vague recollection of mirthful activities, when everything seemed possible…including becoming a princess or having super powers, (no judgment here).

I however, can distinctly recall that day in March 2012 when I began this blog I remember the excitement and the purpose that drove me to work continuously for what, I can now admit, was an unhealthy stretch of time. Even though I didn’t work until I dropped, seeing my first blog article online was a rewarding experience. That post about the communications strategy—a long-form article of 3,000+ words and the second most-read article on this site in four years—set the tone for all other articles which have followed to date. Blogging has stretched me and taught me how to become a better communicator and a more relevant business writer.

It is therefore fitting that I continue in the tradition of celebrating this blog’s anniversary. As a sign of appreciation to you, dear readers, I have listed memorable quotes carefully selected from articles posted in the blog’s fourth year of existence. This is the perfect opportunity to catch up on articles which you couldn’t find time to read.
So here we go…

Memorable Quotes

1) “The executives, all puffed up, strut around, bark orders and threaten terrified staff with transfers to difficult locations or with job losses”.


Your Executives Are Killing Your Business…

April 2015



Especially true in large organisations,  three groups of executives wreck havoc at the workplace. Identify these toxic executives Mr. CEO and rescue your company from its downward spiral.

2) “Good communication is now indispensable because it influences a wide range of workplace issues such as trust, commitment and performance.


The Case For ‘A Culture Of Communication’ At The Workplace.


May 2015.


Learn the essence of a ‘culture of communication’ in your company and note why you should develop it for heightened business performance and an engaged workforce.

3) “Sound direction given at the right time, by a trustworthy person, has made someone excel and we want to know all about it. So kindly start sharing and let’s all learn from each other”.


Discussion Forum #3 – What Is The Best Career Advice You Ever Gave Or Received?


June  2015.


No one who is desirous of professional advancement is an island. We have had help along the way. Read what participants had to say about useful career advice they received.

4) “You should neither have ‘inner circles’, nor a preference for promoting the interests of certain C-suite executives to the detriment of your workforce”.


How To Become An Exceptional Employer.

July  2015
This post is an eye-opener for CEOs.  Any company could be a ‘decent’ employer. To become truly exceptional and drive desirable results, you need to implement these tips.

5) “Demonstrate communication skills which ensure that ideas/initiatives/innovations are presented in ways that generate trust and lead to acceptance and action”.

Business Communications: 3 ‘Rules’ For Effectiveness.


August  2015.


You too could rise above the pack and deliver consistent results by using these three ‘rules’ for effective business communication. Embedded presentation highlights key points.
6) “Only when you can address the allure of value, even from the subject line, does your email get a chance of being opened”.
How To Craft Powerful Emails That Get You Noticed.


September  2015.



This gem of an article, one of the most useful of the year, teaches the tricks for writing effective emails that will make people notice. The post summarises key points the author uses in her coaching sessions. Bookmark this page for future reference.


And this is where we part ways…for a little while anyway. Thank you all for reading my blog articles in the last four years, for writing comments and offering suggestions.

What do you think about the articles. I’d appreciate your opinions, so please post your comments below.

Kindly also share widely in your networks. Freely you have received, freely give 🙂

Note that the concluding segment to this blog’s fourth anniversary will be posted later this month. 


If you enjoyed this post, don’t rush off just yet. Please remember to:

Ø  Share this article in your social networks by clicking on the icons at the top or below.

 Ø Sign up for updates in the blog’s right sidebar so that you are immediately notified via email when a new blog post is published. Don’t miss any more articles.
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v  Communications training sessions for your executives;

v   Writing assignments (content creation, executive speeches, etc.);

v   Speeches and keynote presentations at your corporate events.

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A) Send an email to:

B) Call for a free consultation: 

Nigeria:             0704 631 0592

International:   +234 704 631 0592 


N.B-  First, third and fifth images courtesy of Stuart Miles; via Second image courtesy of Bplanet; via Fourth image courtesy of Prakairoj; via

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