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Bidding 2014 Farewell: The Year In Review

Soon the curtains will close on 2014.

As you bid the year farewell, look back on your endeavours and be thankful for the ‘golden’ opportunities that came your way.

You may have had some disappointments but take stock now and realise that you overcame them all.

In the same vein, do not be hard on yourselves for not being able to tick off every item on the (now) unrealistic ‘to do’ lists, which, in the spirit of new year resolutions, you had made in January. No, I am not advocating a spirit of laxity or a life without purpose. I am aware that as professionals, it is important for personal fulfilment and career advancement to set up goals and to strive to achieve them. And yes, failing to complete plans you had deemed truly necessary would be disappointing.

But here is the thing: You are alive; you are (hopefully) healthy (which, in the wake of the Ebola scourge, is a relief); and you are blessed with strong support from family and trusted friends. 

And that makes you valuable.

So to the pessimists – no matter how bad you think you had it this year, or how unrewarding you consider your lives, if you are reading this blog via your desktop, smartphone, tablet or any other affordable device, then you are better off than you think. Indeed, you are better off than thousands of hungry, disease-stricken and suffering people who would trade places with you in a heartbeat.

Therefore, for whatever successes or disappointments you have had in 2014 (nothing is finite), re-assess your goals, be grateful for what you do have and prepare for a year of limitless opportunities in 2015.

Editor’s Picks Of Blog Posts In 2014

At the risk of sounding biased, there are a couple of articles I recommend that you read and forward to your networks. These posts have been selected because of their evergreen status and relevance to career development, management and/or workplace dynamics. I also spent considerable time researching, writing and editing them. They are:

I) Communicating For Success: 10 Sure-Fire Tips To Master 

Improving your communication skills would take your career to new heights. Take a bold step towards success with the advice given.

2) From Politics To Corporateville – Top 5 Mistakes Leaders Make 

In the wake of the Malaysian Airways MH17 tragedy and the #BringBackOurGirls social media campaign, learn how to avoid crucial mistakes of political leadership, explained without all the political jargon. The post also gives tips for corporate leaders.

3) The Dying Art Of Managing The Psychological Contracts Of Employees 

Do you know what a psychological contract is? Well, every professional in gainful employment has one. At 2,600+ words, this detailed article draws upon findings from researchers in the field of organisational behavioural science and gives practical tips for managing psychological contracts for favourable results. 

4) Boosting Corporate Reputations With Effective Communications 

This gem of an article captures the essence of this blog’s mission — improving business performance with communications.

Loaded with useful suggestions, you will learn how to leverage strategic communications for the competitive edge. Share this article liberally and be viewed as a good source of information for your business contacts.

Engagement Session With Shell Nigeria 

I was honoured to have been invited by Shell Nigeria to an engagement forum with ‘online influencers’. The event took place on 10 December 2014 at the prestigious Radisson Blu Anchorage Hotel in Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.

Lucille Ossai – first row, fifth from the left

In attendance were bloggers, journalists, social media personalities, young social entrepreneurs, and those interested in social activism and corporate social responsibility. Questions were asked; suggestions were made; and misconceptions about Nigeria’s largest international oil company were tackled.

It was an interesting session whereby Shell shared information about its operations in Nigeria, as well as its social investment plans. One of the initiatives highlighted was LiveWIRE, a programme that provides finance and training for young entrepreneurs in the oil-rich Niger-Delta region, and also supports Nigerians with physical disabilities.

Representatives of the oil giant also stressed a desire to strengthen the company’s digital reputation by sharing more of its stories. To my knowledge, no other international oil company operating in Nigeria has had the foresight to engage with ‘non-traditional stakeholders’ in such an interactive forum.

A thoroughly engaging session! Well done Shell Nigeria!

Wrapping It Up… 

Well, that concludes what I consider a productive year for me and this blog.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas in advance and hope you enjoy the New Year celebrations.

You also have my permission to eat copious portions of turkeys, cakes, puddings and other goodies these holidays. Go on, spoil yourselves a little :-).

See you in 2015!

Kindly post your comments below, anonymously if you prefer. 

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N.B– First image is courtesy of Salvatore Vuono via Second image is courtesy of Stuart Miles via Group picture is courtesy of Shell Nigeria. Christmas animation is courtesy of

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