Two Potent Ways Specificity Transforms Your Communication And Drives Results

Specificity is often glossed over. Yet, knowing how to infuse it in your writing and speaking guarantees your pervasiveness and delivers results. In this insightful article, Lucille Ossai, an international award-winning communications trainer, gives you rock-solid reasons to prioritise specificity and explains how to proceed. Share widely.

Yes, Excellent Grammar STILL Matters When Writing To Influence People

Ah, yes, grammar. Is learning ‘dry’ grammatical rules still necessary in business writing? In this article, Lucille Ossai, bestselling author and multi-award-winning blogger, provides three compelling ways grammar will amplify your business writing so you influence people and thrive.

MBAs At Career Fairs: Get Selected With Two Simple Communication Tactics

You’re an MBA student attending a career fair where you need to impress recruiters from top companies. You’ve got the business knowledge and technical skills — but so do all the other MBAs. What should you do to differentiate yourself? Lucille Ossai, a communication coach at a top-50 business school globally, lists two simple communication tactics that will get you selected.

How To Win Virtual Business Presentation Competitions – A Judge’s Recommendations

What do judges look out for in virtual business presentations? In this article, Lucille Ossai, a communications coach and judge of MBA keynote competitions, lists three powerful recommendations to adopt. Use them in speaking competitions and whenever you need to deliver exceptional virtual presentations.